Different Types of Corporation in Hong Kong

Understanding the Types of Corporations Available in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading financial centres and a key destination for business incorporation due to its favourable tax regime, strategic location, and robust legal system. 

When considering starting a business in Hong Kong, it is essential to understand the various types of companies and business structures available. Each structure offers different benefits and is suitable for different business purposes.

Below, we explore the main types of companies and business structures available in Hong Kong.


Company limited by shares (private or public)

A company limited by shares is the most common type of business entity in Hong Kong. The liability of shareholders is limited to the amount they have invested in the company’s shares. This structure is ideal for businesses that want to limit the financial liability of their owners and raise capital through issuing shares. 

Private limited company

A private limited company (also referred to as a private company limited by shares) is the most common choice for entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong. In a private limited company, shares cannot be offered to the public. It can have up to 50 shareholders, and it must appoint at least one director, one shareholder, and one company secretary. The liability of shareholders is limited to their shareholding in the company, which protects personal assets from business debts and liabilities.

Benefits of a private limited company:

  • Limited liability protection for shareholders
  • Tax efficiency and benefits under Hong Kong’s tax laws
  • Perpetual succession, meaning the company can continue to exist even if ownership changes

Public limited company

A public limited company is similar to a private limited company but with some key differences. Public limited companies can offer shares to the public and are typically listed on a stock exchange. This structure is more suitable for large enterprises that wish to raise substantial capital by issuing shares publicly. While public companies offer the advantage of raising capital from the public, they are also subject to stricter regulatory requirements and transparency obligations, such as annual reporting and disclosure.

Benefits of a public limited company:

  • Ability to raise capital through public offerings
  • Enhanced credibility and visibility
  • Access to a wider investor base

Company limited by guarantee (without a share capital)

A company limited by guarantee is often used for non-profit organisations and charities. Unlike a company limited by shares, there is no share capital. Instead, members agree to contribute a predetermined amount to the company’s assets in the event of liquidation. The members’ liability is limited to this amount, offering a similar level of protection as a company limited by shares. This structure is ideal for organisations that do not intend to distribute profits to members but instead use any profits for the benefit of the organisation’s objectives.

Benefits of a company limited by guarantee:

  • No requirement for share capital
  • Limited liability for members
  • Ideal for non-profit and charitable organisations

Unlimited company

An unlimited company is a unique structure where members have no limit on their liabilities, similar to a partnership. However, unlike a partnership, an unlimited company enjoys the benefits of being a separate legal entity. This distinction provides a legal shield for the entity itself, though it does not limit the financial responsibilities of its members. Investors in an unlimited company are required to inject capital as needed, and there is no cap on the amount they may need to invest. This means that the company’s financial stability depends entirely on the owners’ ongoing commitment to funding it.

While unlimited companies offer management flexibility, they carry high financial risk due to the lack of liability protection for the owners.

Benefits of an unlimited company:

  • Separate legal entity status, unlike partnerships
  • Flexible management structure
  • No ceiling on capital infusion by members

Branch Office

A branch office is an extension of a foreign parent company, operating in Hong Kong but not considered a separate legal entity. This means that the parent company is fully liable for all the activities and debts of the Hong Kong branch. Setting up a branch office allows foreign businesses to have a presence in Hong Kong without forming a new company. However, it may limit liability protection since the branch is considered part of the parent company.

Benefits of a branch office:

  • Easy market entry for foreign companies
  • Lower setup costs compared to incorporating a new entity
  • Full control by the parent company

Representative Office

A representative office is another option for foreign companies looking to establish a presence in Hong Kong without engaging in profit-generating activities. Representative offices are typically used for marketing, promotional activities, and market research. They cannot conduct any commercial transactions or enter into contracts on behalf of the parent company. This structure is suitable for companies that want to explore the Hong Kong market without committing to full operations.

Benefits of a representative office:

  • Simple and cost-effective setup
  • No requirement for capital investment
  • Ideal for market research and preliminary business development

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a straightforward business structure where a single individual owns and operates the business. This is the simplest and most affordable way to start a business in Hong Kong. However, the owner bears unlimited liability for the business’s debts and obligations. Sole proprietorships are typically used for small-scale, low-risk businesses or freelancers looking to operate independently.

Benefits of a sole proprietorship:

  • Low setup costs and administrative requirements
  • Full control and decision-making power
  • All profits belong to the owner


Limited Partnership

A limited partnership consists of at least one general partner and one or more limited partners. General partners are responsible for managing the business and bear unlimited liability for the partnership’s debts, while limited partners contribute capital but have limited liability, up to the amount of their investment. This structure allows for flexibility in management and investment but provides some liability protection for limited partners.

Benefits of a limited partnership:

  • Limited liability for limited partners
  • Flexibility in structuring partnerships
  • Access to additional capital from limited partners

General Partnership

A general partnership involves two or more individuals or companies who jointly manage and operate the business. All partners in a general partnership share equal responsibility for the management and debts of the business. Like a sole proprietorship, a general partnership offers no limitation on liability, meaning that each partner is personally responsible for the partnership’s debts. This structure is suitable for businesses where partners have equal involvement and shared decision-making responsibilities.

Benefits of a general partnership:

  • Ease of formation and operation
  • Equal sharing of profits and losses
  • Flexibility in management and operations

HKWJ Tax Law can help

Choosing the right type of company or business structure in Hong Kong depends on the specific goals, size, and nature of the business. 

From limited liability companies to sole proprietorships, Hong Kong offers a wide range of options to suit different business needs. Entrepreneurs and companies considering entry into the Hong Kong market should carefully evaluate their options and consult with legal or tax professionals to determine the most appropriate structure. 

For expert guidance on selecting the best structure for your business, and for assistance with compliance matters such as taxation, accounting, and company secretary services, contact HKWJ Tax Law & Partners today. 

Our team of professionals is ready to help you navigate the process and ensure your business is set up for success in Hong Kong.

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