Have you ever thought of creating your own business? Some people are of the view that it would be especially good for the young generation to start their own business due to their creativity, flexibility, hunger for success, fearlessness and technology knowledge. The young entrepreneurs are capable of bringing new ideas and skills to the […]
Many businesses and entrepreneurs have become fully aware that since the last couple of years, it has become rather difficult either to maintain & keep their Hong Kong corporate bank account open and alive or even simply to apply for a Hong Kong corporate bank account. Despite providing the banks with the requested information or […]
A freelancer may see themselves as a causal employee working with different employers without committing his/her full time to them. However, without any relationship of master and servant, if the freelancer’s income is derived from providing professional or personal services in Hong Kong, he/she will be considered as carrying on a business and a self-employed […]
A number of investors worldwide, including Hong Kong and Mainland China, maintain entities on the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) for various purposes, such as acting as a vehicle to hold share investments and/or intellectual properties, or to engage in trading, service and/or fund management business. Please note that the BVI introduced the Economic Substance (Companies […]