
Withholding Tax in Hong Kong

Withholding tax generally refers to income tax paid to the government by the payer of the income instead of the recipient of the income. As implied by its name, the tax is withheld or deducted from the payment made to the recipient. Which Payments are Subject to Withholding Tax in Hong Kong? Royalty / licence fee made to a non-Hong Kong resident for […]


Two-Tiered Profits Tax Rates in Hong Kong

Recently, a new main feature of the Hong Kong has system has been introduced. It is a tax incentive called the two-tiered profits tax rates. The two-tiered profits tax rates regime applies to corporations and unincorporated businesses (i.e. sole proprietorship and partnership businesses) by lowering the tax rates for the first HKD 2 million of […]

Tax Representative, Tax Agent & Tax Accountant

The roles and duties of a tax representative and a tax agent vary in different countries and different terms are used. Generally, a tax representative operates as the client’s company and the tax agent operates representing its own name. Nevertheless, both operate on behalf of the client’s company and can discharge the assigned legal duties. […]

Digital economy & taxation -HKWJ Tax Law

Digital Economy & Taxation

Many of us have heard or might even have read about the taxation of the digital economy. This not only because the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (‘OECD’) and the European Union (‘EU’) both have issued reports on this matter, but also because it has become a ‘hot topic’ within the society itself that […]