The Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) is currently working on a new digital taxation proposal to further address the Base Erosion and Profits Shifting (“BEPS”) project, which is also commonly known as “BEPS 2.0”. BEPS 2.0 has two components, namely Pillar One and Pillar Two. Pillar Two (i.e. the imposition of a global […]
HKWJ Tax Law & Partners Limited offers a tax health check to all its new potential clients. Upon engaging us, we will set-out in a memo, which is based on the information you provide to us about yourself or your company, the potential tax issues you or your company will be facing and the potential […]
On 25 November 2020, the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, announced in her Policy Address to abolish the Doubled Ad Valorem Stamp Duty (“DSD”) on non-residential property transactions with effect from 26 November 2020. Accordingly, any chargeable instruments on commercial property market transactions executed on or after 26 November 2020 will be subject to Stamp […]
The Institute for International Finance (“IIF”) recently warned of the attack of the debt tsunami as a result of the unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus packages implemented by governments around the globe pushing the global debt levels to a new high of more than US$ 272 trillion in the third quarter of 2020. The IIF […]