Global mobility has allowed more and more companies to request their personnel to carry out work duties outside the companies’ home tax jurisdiction. In the past, most working arrangements abroad were rather permanent, nowadays jobs are also performed on an assignment/secondment basis or on a commuter basis or even as a combination of these latter […]
One can potentially enjoy a significant withholding tax saving on the distribution/payment of dividends, interests or royalties from out of Mainland China by applying the Mainland China DTAs, subject to certain conditions.
Due to global implementation of common reporting standard (CRS) and automatic exchange of information (“AEOI”), financial institutions (“FIs”) are required to conduct due diligence on tax residency certificate holders to ascertain their tax residency, and accordingly whether certain information of the financial accounts of the account holders is required to be exchanged to foreign tax […]
The Individual Income Tax Law (‘IIT Law’) of Mainland China was introduced in 1980 and has been amended 6 times since.