articles of association - HKWJ Tax Law

Articles of Association & Shareholder Agreements

Until the 2nd of March 2014, section 4 of the previous Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Cap. 32 (‘Cap.32’) required every company incorporation in Hong Kong to have a signed Memorandum of Association (the ‘Memorandum’), whereas section 9 of Cap. 32 allowed a company limited by shares (e.g. a limited company) to register together with its […]

Digital economy & taxation -HKWJ Tax Law

Digital Economy & Taxation

Many of us have heard or might even have read about the taxation of the digital economy. This not only because the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (‘OECD’) and the European Union (‘EU’) both have issued reports on this matter, but also because it has become a ‘hot topic’ within the society itself that […]


2021-22 Hong Kong Budget

On 24 February 2021, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong announced the Budget for the fiscal year 2021-22. The forecast is that for the fiscal year 2020-21, there will be a deficit of around HKD 257.6 billion, and that the fiscal reserves are expected to become HKD 902.7 billion by 31 March 2021. The focus […]

tax deduction allowances - HKWJ Tax Law

Tax Deductions, Allowances & Incentives in Hong Kong

Hong Kong tax system adopts low tax rates and is relatively straightforward and features certain types of tax deductions. Further, Hong Kong does not impose value added taxes or goods and services taxes. Under the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance (“IRO”), there are however three types of taxes charged: Property Tax, which is charged on […]