Income recipients are usually required to obtain a certificate of resident status (“CoR”) from the relevant tax authority. As such, the CoR is one of the most important documents for the purpose of enjoying the tax benefits offered in the DTAs. This is necessary n order to be entitled to certain tax benefits granted under […]
Global mobility has allowed more and more companies to request their personnel to carry out work duties outside the companies’ home tax jurisdiction. In the past, most working arrangements abroad were rather permanent, nowadays jobs are also performed on an assignment/secondment basis or on a commuter basis or even as a combination of these latter […]
One can potentially enjoy a significant withholding tax saving on the distribution/payment of dividends, interests or royalties from out of Mainland China by applying the Mainland China DTAs, subject to certain conditions.
This Budget has been prepared with a Focus on supporting enterprises, safeguarding jobs, stabilising economy and strengthening livelihoods in contrast with the previous Hong Kong 2018-2019 Budget.