Singapore and Hong Kong are two international cities in the Asia Pacific region which attract a lot of foreigners for investment and work opportunities. One of the concerns these foreigners may have is the individual income tax liabilities on their income earned. In Hong Kong, the income tax rates applied to non-resident individuals have remained […]
Tax evasion and money laundering have been major concerns to most of the governments for years. In order to strengthen the control over money laundering activities through the banks, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (the ‘HKMA’) has recently requested the banks in Hong Kong to closely look into their clients. In particular, the bank’s clients […]
On the 25 February 2015, which also happened to be the Chinese ‘common birthday’, the Financial Secretary, Mr. John Tsang, delivered his eighth budget speech for the fiscal year 2015-16 with the theme ‘Diversification of Development and Augmentation of Competitiveness’.
When however collecting this information for the purpose of acquiring a certification of residence status for the Hong Kong company under the Hong Kong – Spain double taxation treaty, the obtained information is likely to be ignored by the HK IRD as it is irrelevant for the application of the relevant double taxation treaty.