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automatic exchnage of tax information - HKWJ Tax Law

Automatic Exchange of Information for Tax Purpose in Mainland China

For the purpose of combating cross border tax evasion, Mainland China is one of the more than 100 tax jurisdictions which has committed to implement automatic exchange of information (‘AEOI’), by signing the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters in August 2013 and entering into the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on Automatic […]

setting up a business in China - HKWJ Tax Law

Setting up a Business in Mainland China

Given China’s vast population and emerging middle class, its market potentials are a huge opportunity for a having a business in China. Better still, China is maintaining its commitment to further open up its market and boost inbound foreign investments. Whilst China’s economic reform and opening-up policies began 40 years ago, its economic performance is […]