
Two-Tiered Profits Tax Rates in Hong Kong

Recently, a new main feature of the Hong Kong has system has been introduced. It is a tax incentive called the two-tiered profits tax rates. The two-tiered profits tax rates regime applies to corporations and unincorporated businesses (i.e. sole proprietorship and partnership businesses) by lowering the tax rates for the first HKD 2 million of […]

tax deduction allowances - HKWJ Tax Law

Tax Deductions, Allowances & Incentives in Hong Kong

Hong Kong tax system adopts low tax rates and is relatively straightforward and features certain types of tax deductions. Further, Hong Kong does not impose value added taxes or goods and services taxes. Under the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance (“IRO”), there are however three types of taxes charged: Property Tax, which is charged on […]

securities and commodities trading and corporate tax profits tax - HKWJ Tax Law

Trading Securities and Commodities and Corporate Income

The question whether or not the profits including commissions arising out of securities and commodities trading are subject to Hong Kong corporate income tax have been subject to several Hong Court cases. In Nice Cheer Investment Limited v CIR (HCIA 8/2007), dated 28th of June 2011, were however the unrealised gains arising out of the […]

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